
Farmwise Trip 

As part of Class 2’s local area project work in the Autumn Term 2019, the children investigated farming in Devon. This work, which culminated in writing reports about aspects of farming, was supported by a trip to a special ‘Farmwise’ event at the Westpoint Arena.

In groups, the children explored different zones in which a host of contributors from around the south west region taught them about a wide range of aspects of food and farming. In the ‘Arable’ zone, the children learned about different types of grain and their uses. In the ‘Dairy’ zone, the children had a go at making butter and were able to meet some calves. In the ‘Poultry’ zone, the children learned about how chickens are reared and fed, tested the force needed to crack an egg, saw how eggs are sorted and met some baby chicks. In the ‘Food’ zone, the children were able to taste various foods and have a go at some cooking, while in the ‘Wildlife’ zone, the children identified different leaves and twigs from a range of trees, investigated owl pellets and learned about how birds are identified, tagged and tracked. These were just some of the many, many activities the groups of children took part in as part of full day of activity.