Magdalen Farm Visit

Class 3 visited Magdalen Farm – an environmental project – to awaken their senses!  They did some gardening and tasted some of the vegetables that were growing, they visited the animals, made tasty pizzas in the cob oven and took part in other activities linked to their senses!  All the activities were in preparation for creating a sensory garden back at school.  Their website can be found at
Following our visit to Magdalen Farm, Tilda, from the environmental project worked with the whole school to create two areas of sensory garden within the school site. All the containers were made from things that would otherwise have been thrown away. The children collected old wellies, baskets, even some old clogs. We were also given some old tyres from Sidmouth Tyres which created large planters for us. The children then planted a variety of plants and labelled them to say whether they were good for tasting, touching or smelling. They also planted some grasses which you can listen to in the wind.